Group Meeting Of The Staff Of Recap Magazine

通过资本的英语系, students are prepared to use the 英语 language effectively in a number of areas. 提供三个学位, the curriculum has important common components grounding in language and literary studies. Students can choose from three different degrees: 文学, 创意写作, 专业写作/新闻. Many students have more than one major or a combination of a major and minor from the 英语 department.



  • 创意写作
  • 新闻与专业写作
  • 文学
  • 创意写作辅修
  • 新闻小
  • 文学小
Engage the World with Written Language

Use Your Love of Words to Bring Stories to Life


作家是讲故事的人. Students in 英语 love writing and exploring language through literary studies. 资本’s 英语 department offers three majors: 文学, 创意写作 专业写作/新闻. Each prepares students to use language effectively and with impact. Students begin with core classes in language and literary studies and then take specialized courses in a concentration that interests them. 伟大的作家也是伟大的读者, so 资本’s program gives students the opportunity to study literature in all of its forms. All 英语 students gain valuable insights and build a portfolio during their time at 资本. The department offers ways to develop skills including student reading events and university-sponsored author visits.

What can you do with a degree in this academic area?

  • 记者
  • 数字媒体制作人
  • 作者
  • 大学教授
  • 编辑器
  • 营销专家
  • 图书管理员
  • 体育记者





Columbus’ rank for best cities for new grads



资本 英语 majors are well-prepared careers in a variety of industries after graduation. Students have the opportunity to take part in open readings and to attend readings by distinguished writers. Through professional networking opportunities, students have found internships at the following organizations.

  • 白宫
  • 波士顿环球报
  • 哥伦布快讯
  • 第四频道- NBC哥伦布
  • 爱国者新闻
  • 麦格劳-希尔教育
  • 东卡梅尔山医院
  • 接近市场
  • 俄亥俄州保险局
  • 哥伦布市学校
  • 大通银行

Educators empower the next generation of avid readers, critical thinkers, and brilliant writers. 资本’s integrated Language 艺术s program combines the classes in 英语 and 教育, allowing students to complete the Adolescent to Young Adult 教育 (grades 7-12) teacher licensure program. Students can choose a concentration in 创意写作, Journalism/Professional Writing or 文学. 英语教育 majors can teach integrated language arts at the middle or high school level. If they want to teach at the middle school level, 第二主修数学, social studies or science is also required.


  • 职业写作
  • Creative Non-Fiction and Literary Journalism
  • 编辑与设计
  • 伦理,法律和媒体
  • 新媒体与写作
  • 为网络写作
  • 新闻 Writing and Reporting or Video Production


The 创意写作 degree is designed for students who wish to pursue careers as writers of imaginative literature: fiction, 诗歌, 文章, 和戏剧. The degree is also good preparation for students who want to teach creative writing, for those who seek careers as editors, or for students who simply strive to find creative solutions in any field. Students take a wide variety of courses in literature and creative writing. There are opportunities throughout the year to take part in open readings and to attend readings by distinguished writers. Students are also encouraged to work on and submit their work to ReCap, 资本’s student-edited literary magazine.


The Professional Writing/Journalism degree combines the theory and practice of designing, 批评, crafting and editing written documents. Students receive training in identifying communication needs of specific audiences and addressing such needs through effective communication of information. The journalism component of the major provides multiple opportunities for print, visual and digital media production through work on 上课钟声, 资本’s student-edited weekly newspaper. The program also offers courses in technical writing and editing, in writing new media and in research writing across disciplines and professions.


The 文学 major focuses on interpreting significant texts of American, 英国, 以及全球文学. 这个过程需要仔细阅读, 注意语境, thoughtful analysis and clear written explanation. 通过这项研究, literature majors develop skills that are transferable to many contexts, and gain insights into themselves and their relationship to a changing world. 正如学者们几个世纪以来所说的那样, literature offers insight and pleasure, and motivates personal and social change. It challenges us to see the world more fully and to interpret it more carefully.

“As a student at 资本 and member of the student newspaper team, I gained hands-on experience that has been invaluable in my first job after graduation. Classroom study of the field gave me the tools to succeed, but my experience on the paper really taught me how to use those tools in the real world.”

-Heather Barr, 新闻与专业写作, Class of 2020



Male And Female Standing In Front Of Mees



